And Coachings

Unleash Your Voice

Ideal for employees needing greater confidence and skill to speak up, share views and present ideas.

The Audience Journey

For anyone needing to influence an audience. Perfect for professionals needing to present to senior leaders.

Complex To Clear

Ideal for technical professionals who need to simplify and present complex ideas to gain buy-in from non-technical audiences.

The 5 Codes of Influential Communication

Designed for teams needing to improve cross-functional collaboration.

Communicating For Psychological Safety

Ideal for organizations and leaders eager to cultivate a more transparent, inclusive work environment where everyone expresses their ideas and concerns more freely.

Your Leadership Voice

For organizations undergoing change, seeking to inspire, energize and get everyone moving in the same direction.

Executive Presence and Speaker Coaching

For leaders needing personalized coaching to communicate more effectively, authentically, and persuasively.

Shirley Taylor’s Power-Up Your Business Writing Skills

Ideal for everyone who wants to write better emails and other business documents.

Reader-Focused Policy Writing

Designed for anyone needing to make sure that their policies and procedures are clear, concise, structured, engaging and actionable.